Many aspects of our lives are easier than ever with technology and online banking is no exception. Online banking means having 24-hour access to your accounts, viewing all of your information with a single sign-on, and setting up online transfers and bill pay with ease. 

But, if technology is something you’re unfamiliar with, how can you learn how to do online banking like any other tech-savvy person? 

With Arbor Financial, you’ll find the process of online banking simple. We take pride in allowing you to manage your money within minutes and with no difficulty. 

How to Do Online Banking: Getting Started

For those new to banking technology, knowing how to do online banking can present a learning curve in navigating the platform. However, with this step-by-step guide, you can learn quickly and check your online banking with a few clicks wherever life takes you! 

Before you start taking advantage of Arbor Financial’s user-friendly online banking system, you must have a checking account with us. (and removed heading) Lucky for you, there are many benefits to our free checking accounts. There’s no monthly service charge, you receive access to the 30,000 surcharge-free ATMs with your free Visa debit card, and get exclusive member benefits

To sign up, you'll need the following: 

  1. Your Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.

  2. A valid and legal form of ID or passport. If applying online, these can be uploaded.

  3. Be 18 years of age. Minors are still welcome to come in along with an adult. 

There are a few details you must take note of: 

  • If you’re opening your new account with funds from another bank, be sure to have their routing and account number. 

  • If you’re opening your account with a debit or credit card, please have the card number, expiration date, and CVV code. 

  • If another person is signing with you, make sure they have their personal information as well. 

You also get a free Visa Debit Card for your convenience and a personal identification number (PIN) for security protection.

Here are a few ways you can become a member:

  1. Go online and click on Become a Member. This is an easy process and your online account is secure. Best of all, it only takes a few minutes!

  2. In-person. Stop by any branch to open your account. To save time, complete and print an Application for Membership beforehand. Also, bring a valid and government-issued form of ID. A minimum $5.00 deposit is required for opening an account.

Member service representatives are ready to assist with creating your account and answering all of your questions. If you’re applying online and need to reach out for help, simply contact us using the most convenient option for you.  

How to Access Account Information Using Online Banking

Finding your account information and details is easy, all you have to do is log in to your financial dashboard. Here, you have an at-a-glance view of your balances along with quick access to other tools.

Once you log in, you can go to the Accounts tab and click the drop-down menu. 

Here, you have a list of options: 

  • Account Summary—provides a summary of account information

  • Account Activity—all activity within your account

  • eStatements—your online statements

  • Intuit Exports—download account activity to your financial software

  • Order Checks

  • Stop Payment

  • Apply for Loan

  • Add Account

Bill Payment and Scheduling

Scheduling and paying your bills is a breeze with online banking—simply log in to your dashboard. 

Under “Bill Pay”

Under Bill Pay Payment, you can add billers and make payments in seconds. You can review your payee activity, add reminders and arrange for auto-pay as well. You can also click on eBills to receive your bills electronically. 

There’s a Contacts section, which allows you to send money directly to specific individuals to whom you make regular payments.

On your sidebar, you’ll also see Bills Due and which payments are outgoing. You can also see Pending Payments and Recent Payments that have been accepted. 

This is a smooth process that doesn’t require stamps or envelopes and saves you a great deal of time. 

Under “Transfers”

Here, you have tools for moving your money. You can transfer money between accounts or transfer money with another financial institution. When learning how to do online banking, understanding electronic fund transfers is important.  

Under your drop-down menu, you’ll see the following choices: 

  • Transfers & Payments—view your transfers and payments

  • Member to Member Transfers Manager—transferring amounts between members

  • Transfer Activity—view all your transfer activity

  • External Transfers—sending money and transferring it to other financial institutes

Select the accounts you want to make the transfer, choose an amount, and then choose a scheduling option. You can transfer instantly, at a future date, or make it a recurring transfer. 

You can select the frequency of this transfer and the duration. If you want, you can create a description to act as a reminder of why it was created and receive an email whenever this transfer is executed. 

Enjoy the Many Benefits of Online Banking with Arbor Financial

When opening a new checking account, it’s understandable to have questions about how to use certain features and tools.  

Hopefully, this guide has shown you how to do online banking with Arbor Financial, but should you need additional help, our member services representatives are ready to assist you!  

In navigating your checking account, you may also find it helpful to learn the most common checking account fees and how to avoid unwanted charges. Click below for more info! 

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